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The extruder is changing global market pattern
Time:2011-10-04    Source:    Views:3641

At present China plastic machinery industry in the global market is changing, the outstanding performance of imported equipment fell sharply, of course, does not mean that the decline in imports of foreign equipment using rate drop, because most of the brand manufacturers have moved production to Chinese; on the other hand, the export is also slowing, especially after the rapid growth in the 2012 year,generally in 2013 slowing down. October imports of extruder 179, the amount of imports for 66790000 dollars, imports increased by 61.3%. Of course, such a large increase is mainly due to the extruder imports last year from the beginning of October consecutive decline, this year the extruder imports overall larger decline inOctober, is the second half of the first import growth. Another year of extruder to export the same overall decline, in October the export extruder 818, export amount of $25574000, down 12.3% yoy.

From this year the overall, relative to the substantial growth in 2012, the first 10 months of this year exports fell 7.3% in the extruder. Although this year Chinainjection molding machine for Thai exports have fallen sharply, but seems to have warmer signs, but in fact the extruder has demand growth trend, this year 1 to October in Thailand total from China imported extruder 413, export amount of 22200000 U. s.dollars, relative to last year's $15887000 an increase of 39.7%,while last year Thailand is a large number of replacement presses into the product of a year.

Also worth mentioning is that the extruder has always been export unit price is low,but in Thailand this year, the unit price has exceeded $50000, $54000. In addition,although fell sharply in October Russia imported extruder, but Russia still is the biggest import country of extruder. October imports of US $1566000, accounting forChina's total exports 6% extruder, comparable to Thailand.

In short, for in the current machine global pattern of view, the main show several features: first, the import in reducing; two, export growth slowed in the three, export unit price in improving.

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