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Mixer operation matters needing attention
Time:2015-05-01    Source:    Views:5234

The purpose of,

Standardization of mixer equipment operation and maintenance of equipment, its purpose is to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and prolong life, reduce maintenance costs and improve production efficiency.

Second, the scope of application

Suitable for rubber mixer equipment work instruction

Third, special duties

Designated by the unit using the special equipment operator and maintenance of member shall not violate compasses and skilled operating equipment, supervision and irrelevant personnel shall not be close to and touch device.

Four, operation conditions

1, in turn, turned on the power, if you need please set the temperature of the heating and heating is normal, water cooling, please open the in and out of the water valve and normal drainage systems.

2, cleaning mixer chamber, do not use hard objects such as wire remaining, check the gear oil, engine oil, butter and oil level of lubrication condition, pay special attention to is a triplet oil level shall not be less than half the oil cup, and regularly observed triplet oil level, the changes of fuel or fuel consumption too fast is normal phenomenon (knob to adjust the triplets), the new gear oil change half a year, the latest activity site at least once a week to add a lubricating oil, to pump the gas oil shall not be more than half of the mirror, otherwise it will produce the oil.

3, material preparation, and turned on the power and air pressure, the pressure to limit position, and then start the main motor motor, the main motor start again after half a minute into the prepared material, and then press down the top of the pressure on material mixer.

4, such as the need to change color, please pour cleaning material or detergent raw materials, then use broom or wire cleaning mixer chamber inside the rotor shaft crevice of the old material.

5, when mixer can be according to the requirements of the material properties, can be adjusted automatically or manually to mixer, hard material not too much too much, or you will crash or main motor burn out.

6, after the material mixer, first raised pressure cover, then flip mixer tank, such as in place after pouring material and then make the mixer tank return, again under mixer feeding skill.

7, stop production, power supply shut down each function first, and then close the host power supply, the last fast cleaning mixer chamber, clean up and clean the dust.

Five, the matters needing attention

1, regular checks each line insulation effect, heed the warning content warning signs on the machine.

2, activity areas and mixer chamber jams, do not use hand or iron into the inside, but with the plastic stick to be handled with care.

3, contact with high temperature parts, please be careful not to get burnt.

4, powder or leakage sealing ring screams, the first four loose nut evenly and then turned into some, then add some cracks in the mixer chamber rotor material oil or oil, idling of 3-5 minutes at the same time again with a hammer on the edge of the spring ring gland gently tap around a few times can, such as leakage powder also adjust the firmness of individual spring again, if the sealing ring gland and mixer chamber side panel inside the tank is very close to the population of sealing ring wear, needs to be replaced, replace the sealing ring method instruction.

5, pay special attention to: daily check the gear oil, before starting the engine oil, butter and oil level of lubrication state, strengthen the attention every day is a triplet oil cup of oil level shall not be less than half.

6, machine failure to stop the machine in the first time the action, irrelevant personnel shall not do any action.

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Addr:Hongxing Industrial Park, Rugao City, Nantong, Jiangsu Province  Tel:15162635179    
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